Arab Council elects a new Board and pledges its support to the “Racism – It Stops With Me Campaign”
Arab Council Australia launched its pledge to become part of the “Racism. It Stops With Me campaign” at its Annual General Meeting held on Monday 28 November in the presence of Guest Speaker: Mr E Santow, the Australian Human Rights Commissioner.
“We are proud to join forces with some of Australia’s leading businesses, sporting bodies and NGOs to support the ‘Racism. It Stops With Me campaign,’ said Randa Kattan, Chief Executive Officer of Arab Council Australia.
“The campaign invites all Australians to reflect on what they can do to counter racism wherever it happens. Our organisation has committed to preventing racism by pledging to undertake activities in support of the campaign.”
“One in seven Australians say they experienced discrimination because of their colour or background and this figure has been increasing steadily in recent years,” said Ms Kattan. “People in our community know all too well the impact of racism and frankly it makes us sick. By us joining the campaign, we are proclaiming publicly that we will not tolerate racism wherever it happens and we will take action in our everyday lives and encourage others to do the same to make it a thing of the past.”
“Our Council’s commitment to this initiative is an extension of our stance and involvement against all forms of discrimination in all communities,” concluded Ms Kattan.
The national Racism. It Stops With Me campaign, which is being led by the Australian Human Rights Commission, has been developed by a partnership of government and non-government agencies.
For more information about the campaign go to: Or follow the campaign on Twitter @ItStopsWithMe.
A new Board was elected at the AGM and the following people make up the new Board:
Ms Fatima Ali
Deputy Chairpersons
Dr Rita Almohty
Ms Mary Shalhoub
Mr Nikolai Haddad
Mr Jamal Hamdan
Board Members
Dr Ramzi Barnouti
Ms Wafa Jeha
Mr Brian Mubaraki
Ms Rana Saab
Mr Amir Salem
Ms Randa Kattan